Wang Tiles

Wang Tiles

All Infos about Wang tiles: see cr31

See it on GitHub.
See Demo on Wang-Tiles

Imgage References


This repository generates random Wang Tiles.
Wang Tiles are representations of tiles with coded edges.
Only edges with the same code can be placed next to each other. Such a tile sets can aperiodically tile an infinite plane.


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Braveland (not finished)

Braveland (not finished)

Game description

Braveland is an Plattformer Game with only one control option inspired by Darkland for Android.
Your task is to master small challenging levels. The hero 🦸 can only be controlled with one key.
I choose this game to get a better understanding of game mechanics and to get familiar with some shader techniques 🤓.

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Game description

In this game your task is to drive an increasing number of trains 🚆 to their respective stations.
The trains are color-coded and have to travel to the corresponding station with the same color.

Starting with the sixth level, all levels are created by a random generator. Therefore the level of difficulty does not increase with the progress but is pure randomness.

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Random Number Generator with Seed

Random Number Generator with Seed


The seed key Random seed - also called seed key random seed or start value - is a value with which a random number generator is initialized. The random number generator generates a sequence of random numbers or pseudo-random numbers with the seed as the start value.
If you use the same seed in deterministic random number generators, you get the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers.

For my project trainline I used such a generator which always produces the same sequence of numbers.

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Online SOR-Viewer

Online SOR-Viewer

See live Demo Online SOR Viewer.
See Project on GitHub.

Introduction OTDR

Optical Time Domain Reflectometry (OTDR) is a method for measuring and testing optical fibers. With the OTDR method, faults in fibre optic cables can be detected directly, but also transmission parameters can be measured and analysed.

In OTDR measurement, according to the method, a light pulse is fed into the fiber from the source of the OTDR device. This light pulse is reflected within the optical fiber by backscattering, backscattering, but especially at cable breaks, splices, fiber optic connectors and adapters, and returns to the OTDR measuring device, where it is measured and analyzed. From the transit time of the reflected light pulse, the location of the fault can be determined immediately. Conclusions about the type of fault can be drawn from the attenuation curve of the pulse.

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Install Hexo

npm install -g hexo-cli
npm install

Create a new post

hexo new "My New Post"

More info: Writing

Run server

hexo server

More info: Server

Generate static files

hexo generate

More info: Generating

Deploy to remote sites

hexo deploy --generate

More info: Deployment